I decided to make some yummy apple chips with my daughter! These are super easy to make and super yummy!
6 Apples
1 1/2 - 2 Tablespoons Cinnamon
3/4 Cup White Sugar
Natural Lemon Juice
Dehydrator & Approximately 5 Trays
Newspaper (optional)
Wash your apples first!
Adults ~ Start by cutting your apples into 1/8 inch slices.
If you slice them from bottom up, you will get the star shape centres. Be very careful cutting your apples.
Next ~Add some drops of lemon juice to the bottom of a container. Coat each side of your apple slices with the lemon juice. Set them aside. The lemon juice will add a bit of a tang, and help keep your apples from turning brown.

Lay out some newspaper ~to catch extra sugar mixture for easy clean up.
Mix the sugar and Cinnamon together in a bowl.
Lay apples out on the trays in single layers.
Sprinkle both sides of apple slices with sugar mixture.
This part I let my daughter do.
Stack your trays on your dehydrator, and place the lid on top.
Plug in the dehydrator. Set the Temperature to 150 F/65 C.
Allow Chips to dehydrate for approximately 8 hours.
Enjoy the lovely aroma!
Times may vary depending on your dehydrator. Cook slightly longer for crispier chips.