Give Craftsy a try with a FREE class!
Boost your skills in a single day with one of these fantastic mini-classes in cooking, photography, drawing, knitting, quilting, crochet and more!
Once enrolled, the classes you choose, are yours to watch anytime and anywhere you want.
Craftsy even has an App for Android, iPhone & iPad!
Learning at your own pace has never been so fun!
>Here's the full list of Craftsy free mini classes to choose from<
Try Craftsy's Free Cooking Classes Here

Are you feeling bored or just unsure what to create next? Try exspanding your creative knowledge one class at a time.
Learn from the World's best instructors in a vertual classroom.
Ask question and recieve answers from the instructors or others that are enrolled in the same class(es) you choose.
Or Try Craftsy's Free Painting Classes Here

I am personally enrolled in the 'Painting Flowers In Acrylic' class. So far I have started my flower painting and have really gotten into it.
However, my painting is not yet complete. I chose a pretty large canvas for this project, so it's taking me much longer than I had anticipated. I have yet to finish it, but have received many compliments from friends and family. My painting has also been promised to a friends daughter when finished. She just Must have it!
After your painting is complete, or whenever you need to step away and try something new....Try growing a garden. >Get your Free Gardening Classes Here<

Some of Craftsy's Free Mini-Classes include:
~Free Cake Decorating Classes
~Free Paper Crafts Classes
~Professional Family Portraits
~Create Stunning Birthday Cards (Another personal favourite)
Craftsy has something for everyone!
>Check out the full list of Craftsy free mini-classes here<