Showing posts with label Birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birds. Show all posts

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Repurposed ~ Boots To Bird Houses

A few years ago my sons, my husband & I made these super cool bird houses, using my boy's old rubber boots.

I came across a few of the photos today. It reminded me of that wonderful day, when they were so much younger!

We used:
2 pairs of old rubber boots.
A sharp knife (to cut the door holes).
Scrap Wood (roof).
Bolts (perch).

My husband did all the 'Grown Up' work, and the twins had so much fun helping put them together!

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

My Husband Made A Mushroom Bird House ~ By Niftynnifer

My husband never stops amazing me with his wood projects. This funky, colourful Mushroom can house multiple bird nests, while adding a conversation piece to the yard. He built it, and the children and I painted it. So many hours of creativety.
This Mushroom has 14 holes, that lead to 14 completely seperated, private bird homes. 

Friday, 30 May 2014

Craft ~Diy Painted Bird House

Craft ~Diy Painted Bird House

Here is a fantastic bird house 
my husband built & daughter painted. 
And you can do it too

Monday, 15 July 2013

Yarn Ends Recycle Craft For Birds By Niftynnifer

Don't throw out those little pieces you have lying around ! Cut them approx 2 inches each (don't worry about too big or too small..'cause the birds won't care). Stuff them into a suet feeder (without any suet!) Hang out for the birds. This will give baby birds the warmth they need, and add color to their nests! 

Try stuffing a grape vine star full of yarn bits.
This will look wonderful in my gardens in the spring, and summer months... In the fall, the squirrels will take the left overs for their nests too, (as long as they can reach them).
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